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Code and Project Structure

Code Structure

We require contributors to preserve both the structure and the code standards based on the original Reusable Chart API. The structure of a @britecharts/core chart would look more or less like this:

  // D3 module imports
// helper imports
// Constants

// Module definition JSDoc comment
// Data definition JSDoc comment

export default function module() {
// Private variables (more or less grouped)
// Extractor functions
// Format functions

function exports (_selection) {
// Locale formatter setup (if any)

_selection.each(function (_data) {
// Dimension setting
// Data cleaning with 'cleanData' function

// Main building blocks (optional)

// Conditional building blocks

// Building block definitions
// API definitions ordered alphabetically

We like to do some light 'data cleaning' inside the cleanData method. That would usually include making sure that numbers are not strings. We also use a reduce function, so we create a copy of the original data and cast only the usual quantities or values we need for creating the chart.

Note that most of the building blocks depend on the chart type. For example, on the donut chart, we won't need to create axis or draw them so that those blocks won't be there.

Project Structure

The project is set as a monorepo with the following packages:

coreWhere we keep the code for the Britecharts' modules
demosWhere we keep the root storybook that aggregates the package-specific demos
docsWhere we hold the generated documentation website
wrappersWhere we have wrappers to use Britecharts' modules with web frameworks
reactWhere we keep React components that use Britecharts' modules

Core Helpers

Within the core package, we have a set of helpers:

axis Exposes getTimeSeriesAxis, the method that allows conditional formatting depending on the time series values.

color The color helper contains the objects with the color schemas, the color gradients, and their human-friendly names.

constants The constants file holds reusable constants that we use through-ought the project.

date Date related methods like addDays, diffDays, getLocaleDateFormatter and similar.

export This helper provides methods that enable the chart export feature of Britecharts.

filter Includes methods for creating SVG effects based on SVG filters. Provides blur and glows.

grid Exposes helpers to create horizontal, vertical or full grids. Used in many charts.

load The load helper provides SVG components that render the different loading states Britecharts support. These are bar, donut and line loading states.

locale Keeps code helpers like setDefaultLocale and isValidLocaleDefinion for helping with localization features.

number The number file supports developers by supplying methods that relate to numbers and number formatting. Includes a unique id generator, an integer checker and a method to calculate percentages.

style Methods for serializing styles used in the export feature.

text Functions to help with text related operations like wrapping text on a given width, adding ellipsis when not enough space is available or measuring text length.