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The Build System

ES2015 transpiling

We built Britecharts modules with es2015 to create an ES5-compatible version of the charts before releasing a new version.

To work with the development version of the charts, you need to run: yarn run demos

However, if you want to create the production version of the charts, you should run: yarn run build

The Tasks

The build sequence consists of a small set of Node tasks. While you'll probably only need yarn run test and yarn run build most of the time, the other tasks can be called independently or be combined to see the docs.

yarn run testStarts jest to run the tests of all package of the project.
yarn run demosServes the storybook with its demos for the packages that have one.
yarn run docsCompiles the docs with JSDoc and opens a browser showing them.
yarn run stylesCompiles the styles for the charts
yarn run buildBuilds everything and generates the distribution version of the charts.
yarn run releaseCreates a new release of the library wity a patch.
yarn run release:minorCreates a new release of the library by bumping the second number of the version (1.N.1)
yarn run release:majorCreates a new release of the library by bumping the third number of the version (N.1.1)