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API Guidelines

Creating new features and charts for Britecharts is easy. However, naming the API methods is hard. We have created these API guidelines to help our contributors choose proper accessor and variable names.

The guidelines help developers improve the consistency of the library and lower the entry barrier to start contributing to Britecharts. They also help reviewers at the time of doing code reviews, and they facilitate an efficient code review process.

General Considerations

Variable and accessor names should be camel cased (eg. "shouldBeCamelCase"), and we try to use only one word that is the same as the internal variable we are using. Variables are nouns, while commands are verbs.

For example: height, width, margin, title.

Variable and function names length

We will follow the 'Scope Rule':

  • Variable names:
    • short in small scopes (d)
    • long in large scopes (percentageLabelMargin)
  • Functions names:
    • short in large scopes like public commands (hide, width)
    • long in small scopes (drawVerticalExtendedLine)

Event dispatchers

The custom events that are attached to the charts always are prefixed with ‘on’.

As in: .on('customHover')


We want them to be predicates. They are prefixed with one of the following:

  • should
  • has
  • is

As in: isAnimated, hasFixedHighlightedSlice.


Commands must be verbs and be constructed into a single word if possible

As in: hide, show, exportChart

Data labels

For API entries that configure the keys of the input data, we use the property name and the suffix ‘label’.

As in: dateLabel, valueLabel


A simple name with the property name and ‘format’ suffix.

As in: numberFormat, xLabelFormat

Ticks and Axis

We use the axis name followed by the 'axis' and ‘ticks’ suffix:

As in: xTicks, yTicks