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@britecharts/wrappers is a package that simplifies the use of Britecharts' components with frontend frameworks.


@britecharts/wrappers components expose a simple API to allow its use in frontend frameworks. This API contains three methods: create, update, and destroy.

To use them, you will pass a configuration object following the Britecharts core component API and a container:

import { BarWrapper } from '@britecharts/wrappers';

const container = document.querySelector('.container');
const data = [
name: 'Vibrant',
value: 2,
name: 'Opalescent',
value: 4,
name: 'Shining',
value: 3,
const configuration = {
width: 400,
margin: {left: 10},

const barInstance = BarWrapper.create(container, data, configuration);


BarWrapper.update(container, newData, {}, barInstance);

The wrappers include a lightweight configuration and container validation.

In theory, you shouldn't be using this wrappers by themselves, but you might prefer this API (more OO-like) for your vanilla JavaScript projects.


The API of the wrappers has only three methods: create, update and destroy. Note that each component wrapper's configuration options is a reflection of Britecharts charts' APIs.


Creates a new Britechart chart and returns its instance.

Signature: <Wrapper>.create(HTMLElement, <ChartDataShape>, <ConfigurationObject>) => BritechartChart


const barInstance = BarWrapper.create(container, data, configuration);


Updates a chart with new data or configuration.

Signature: <Wrapper>.update(HTMLElement, <ChartDataShape>, <ConfigurationObject>, BritechartChart) => BritechartChart


BarWrapper.update(container, newData, {}, barInstance);


Doing nothing at the moment. Thinking about removing it as the users already have the instance and can remove it themselves.


The following components haven't been adapted yet from Britecharts:

  • Brush charts
  • Heatmaps
  • Mini Tooltips
  • Scatter Plots

Feel free to send a PR if you want them included.


To install run:

yarn add @britecharts/core @britecharts/wrappers

Or, with npm:

npm i --save @britecharts/core @britecharts/wrappers


Our idea for the short term is to update this package to use TypeScript natively. Let us know if you want to help with it.