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@britecharts/react is a package that allows you use [Britecharts][britecharts] within React applications.


@britecharts/react components are used just like any other stateless React component. You pass in some props, and it renders a chart:

import { Bar } from '@britecharts/react';

const data = [
name: 'Vibrant',
value: 2,
name: 'Opalescent',
value: 4,
name: 'Shining',
value: 3,


Check our Storybook for more examples and check the source to copy/paste code.


Each component's API is a reflection of [Britecharts][britecharts] charts and their APIs. They also have a bunch of React specific props, and there are some changes due to the declarative way of building with React.

For example, if we need to check the options of a bar chart, you will first check the bar chart's API in the main project API reference page.

The complete set of components is in progress; the following components are currently implemented and available for use:

The following components haven't been adapted yet from Britecharts:

  • Brush charts
  • Heatmaps
  • Mini Tooltips
  • Scatter Plots

These components were previously hosted in the britecharts-react repository, but became a package with Britecharts V3.


To install run:

yarn add @britecharts/core @britecharts/wrappers @britecharts/react

Or, with npm:

npm i --save @britecharts/core @britecharts/wrappers @britecharts/react

Britecharts-React is available as an NPM module or through CDN links (in different formats or a bundle).

You can also use individual bundles in UMD format (dist/umd/), CommonJS format (lib/cjs), and tree-shaking-enabling ES2015 modules (lib/esm) to add to your bundle. You can see more on our test project.


For this project, we have followed the approach called ‘Mapping Lifecycle methods’ based on Nicholas Hery's article. We want to recognize all the contributors in the parent project [Britecharts][britecharts].

See Also


If you need to use one of the missing charts, check out our how-to guide for creating new charts. Check also the contributing guide if you want to help us bringing these in.

Note that the aim of this project is to allow the usage of Britecharts within your React applications. For that, we are ‘wrapping’ Britecharts with @britecharts/wrappers. This means that any new features need to first be implemented on Britecharts. Only then you could update the props and logic that passes in the configuration.


Our idea for the short term is to update this package to use TypeScript natively. For that, we already have an initial version that we need to polish and reproduce. Let us know if you want to help with it.